Every single member of Riverchase UMC should watch this story of how a disaffiliation vote (and even the process) impacted the 2,000-member Jarvis Memorial UMC in Greenville, North Carolina.
You’ll see how the building and property became a focal point of conversations as did having greater control over pastors.
The North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church recently shared this video on their website:
“Living Into God’s Future” is a series of interviews conducted at Jarvis Memorial UMC in Greenville, NC. During the 2022 disaffiliations, Jarvis’ church council voted to call a church conference for a disaffiliation vote. The subsequent vote did not achieve the required two-thirds majority, and Jarvis stayed a United Methodist congregation. The margin of that vote, however, was very close.
In the aftermath of that process and the vote, several church members made the decision to leave Jarvis. You can imagine how difficult this has been. As you will hear in these interviews, there are no “winners” or “losers” in this situation. Make no mistake – there is pain and hurt on both sides of this decision.
Now, Jarvis Memorial UMC is faced with the task of picking up the pieces and continuing to “live into God’s future.” In the midst of brokenness, there is hope. In the midst of pain, there is healing. And in the midst of uncertainty, there is the assurance that God continues to redeem, lead, and guide.
If you are concerned about what a disaffiliation vote might also do to Riverchase UMC, please be sure to email your Board of Stewards (here’s the membership list) and let them know your thoughts.
While the formed Discernment Team may recommend that the church not move forward with a disaffiliation vote at the conclusion of the discernment process, it’s always helpful to make your thoughts known.
Please share this video with your friends and Sunday School class members.
You can also find this on the Riverchase United Facebook page so that you can easily share it directly from there.