Up to this point, the perspective you’ve been reading on this site is mine. They’re my stories and my views of Christianity, the Bible, and the future of our church.

But now it’s time to hear and share other stories because your testimony matters.

Your fellow church members need to know why you think it’s important for RUMC to remain in the United Methodist Church.

So what will happen with these testimonies?

I will be sharing your thoughts as individual blog posts and then adding them to this site so that others can come read all of them easily in one place.  The more the better. When I’ve created your testimony page, I’d encourage you to share it with others in your classes and on your social media platforms.

Churches in our area and across the country are doing the same thing to share with members. Here are just a few examples of other UMC conferences and churches sharing member testimonies if you’d like some inspiration:

This won’t be anonymous — it can’t afford to be.

For some of you, I know sharing won’t be easy. You have dear and close friends that may not feel the way you do and you might worry about hurting feelings or upsetting friendships.

But this is important. This can make a difference to someone who wants to know that there are others in our church who feel the way they do.

Please encourage others in your circles to come here and share their testimonies as well if they feel led.  Pass along this link.

I hope you’ll consider sharing your testimony about why Riverchase UMC should remain a United Methodist Church.

Share a Little About Yourself

Often, we can recognize people at church that we've never met just by their faces. When your testimony gets posted, it would be great to have a portrait included.

If you're submitting your testimony as a couple, be sure to include a photo with both of you.

Choose File

What Does Everyone Need to Know?

Here's where you get to tell your story.

Share as much or as little as you'd like. Share what other people need to know about your family's relationship with Riverchase UMC and what it means to you to be a part of the United Methodist Church.

Don't worry about limits on the number of characters or lines.  Just share.

If you'd prefer to write your thoughts down in a Word document or something, feel free to do so and upload the document here.

Choose File
Thank you for sharing your story. I will be in touch via email if I have further questions related to your submission.
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